Monday, May 18, 2020
Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay - 1306 Words
Over the last few decades, the use of cell phones has become a very common tool. Furthermore, Technology has certainly advanced, and the cell phone is becoming the most preferred mode of communication. The demand for a cell phone is growing every day. In addition, the use of wireless technology is affordable, and anyone can buy a cell phone at a reasonable price. They come in all shapes and sizes. They range from black to bright metallic white. American public use of cell phones is increasing everyday. As the number of people using cell phones increase, the use of cell phones while driving will also increase on our streets and highways. At the same rate, motorists still converse on cell phones and write text messages while driving.†¦show more content†¦In addition, I have observed that many automobile accidents are associated with cell phone use by drivers. It has caused many states across our map to consider restricting the use of cell phones by drivers. Drivers preocc upied by non-driving activities are prone to causing an accident. Therefore, the use of cell phones has been one of the main contributors to car accidents. Many drivers keep their cell phones in their vehicles. However, when it rings, he is not going to ignore it because it may be an important call. Therefore, he loses concentration while driving, and he will not focus 100% on the road. However, many States have rightfully stopped local governments from prohibiting cell phone use by motorist, and they have enforced strict rules to control their usage. For example, driving a state vehicle a person can be terminated if caught texting and talking on a cell phone. It is no joke! On the other hand, one may argue that the state gives someone a driving license after ascertaining that he is not only responsible but also capable of making the right decisions when driving. However, others may argue that using their mobile phones while driving is equivalent to conversing with a passenger. Thus, it is no more distracting than eating fast food or fumbling with the music system in your vehicle. At the same time, a motorist can make decisions, and he should decide whether to use a cell phone while driving. If an accident occurs, it can beShow MoreRelatedDangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving562 Words  | 2 Pages It has been reported that roughly 660,000 U.S citizens use their cell phones while driving on a daily basis. You are four times more likely to get into an accident if you are talking on your cell phone and twenty-three times more likely to get into a car crash if you are texting while driving. Reports have also shown that 11% of drivers who are between the ages of 15-19 were distracted at the time of a fatal crash. A cell phone distracted 21% of those drivers at the time of the fatal crash. 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