Saturday, May 23, 2020
Functionalist Perspective on Dating, Courting, and Other...
Dating, courting, and other pre-marriage arrangements are practices that are influenced by the time period, social conditions and constructs, biology, cultural norms, and institutional structures that surround people. Dating has changed a lot in the past century. In the 1920s to 1940s, dating involved a more informal dating. For the first time there were no chaperones on dates between males and females. The dates required no formal commitment to each other and there was more freedom. Previously the community and church established the dating rules, but now peers institute the rules. Instead of the man coming to the womens house, They went out where it required money. It is said that there was a control issue surrounding the change†¦show more content†¦To understand dating, courting, and other pre-marriage arrangements we must look at a particular time and place to understand the ways in which a society works and therefore how the people in that society go about activities like dating. In modern America, dating has emerged as an activity that is not often regulated by adults as it once had been. There are many explanations for this change including the change in lifestyle that industry and technological advances have brought about. Sociologists point out that the idea of romantic love did not even exist prior to the industrial revolution. Marriage was an institution that allowed a man and woman to enhance their chances of survival and quality of life with one another. Romantic love as we now know it did not exist as a concept. After the industrial revolution when people did not depend on each other as much to survive, the idea of romantic love first appeared. After this time some feminists and sociologists point out that marriage and motherhood was used to subjugate women to men and to keep them out of the work force. Dating at a young age is characterized as fun and is done for companionship rather than as a serious activity for the purpose of fin ding a lifelong mate. Group dating is a way in which students have been able to move away from traditional, two-person dating which implies intimacy to them. Doing things in groups saves
Monday, May 18, 2020
Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay - 1306 Words
Over the last few decades, the use of cell phones has become a very common tool. Furthermore, Technology has certainly advanced, and the cell phone is becoming the most preferred mode of communication. The demand for a cell phone is growing every day. In addition, the use of wireless technology is affordable, and anyone can buy a cell phone at a reasonable price. They come in all shapes and sizes. They range from black to bright metallic white. American public use of cell phones is increasing everyday. As the number of people using cell phones increase, the use of cell phones while driving will also increase on our streets and highways. At the same rate, motorists still converse on cell phones and write text messages while driving.†¦show more content†¦In addition, I have observed that many automobile accidents are associated with cell phone use by drivers. It has caused many states across our map to consider restricting the use of cell phones by drivers. Drivers preocc upied by non-driving activities are prone to causing an accident. Therefore, the use of cell phones has been one of the main contributors to car accidents. Many drivers keep their cell phones in their vehicles. However, when it rings, he is not going to ignore it because it may be an important call. Therefore, he loses concentration while driving, and he will not focus 100% on the road. However, many States have rightfully stopped local governments from prohibiting cell phone use by motorist, and they have enforced strict rules to control their usage. For example, driving a state vehicle a person can be terminated if caught texting and talking on a cell phone. It is no joke! On the other hand, one may argue that the state gives someone a driving license after ascertaining that he is not only responsible but also capable of making the right decisions when driving. However, others may argue that using their mobile phones while driving is equivalent to conversing with a passenger. Thus, it is no more distracting than eating fast food or fumbling with the music system in your vehicle. At the same time, a motorist can make decisions, and he should decide whether to use a cell phone while driving. If an accident occurs, it can beShow MoreRelatedDangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving562 Words  | 2 Pages It has been reported that roughly 660,000 U.S citizens use their cell phones while driving on a daily basis. You are four times more likely to get into an accident if you are talking on your cell phone and twenty-three times more likely to get into a car crash if you are texting while driving. Reports have also shown that 11% of drivers who are between the ages of 15-19 were distracted at the time of a fatal crash. A cell phone distracted 21% of those drivers at the time of the fatal crash. Of theRead MoreEssay on The Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving604 Words  | 3 PagesFor years, people who driving under influence leading causes of road accidents in many countries. Many people have a cell phone and some even call their cell phone their life line. The cell phone is a provider of very important information such as addresses, phone numbers, and important dates. However, while the cell phone has many positive attributes like keeping people in touch, the cell phone becomes very dangerous when a person decides to drive and use it.This obliged many countries especiallyRead More Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Driving1036 Words  | 5 Pagesoften. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phones that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Bluetooth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls by one touch ofRead MoreCell Phones in the Hands of Drivers:1096 Words  | 5 PagesCell Phones in the Hands of Drivers: A Risk or a Benefit? As of 2000, there were about ninety million cell phone users in the United States, with 85% of them using their phones while on the road (Sundeen 1). Because of evidence that cell phones impair drivers by distracting them, some states have considered laws restricting their use in moving vehicles. Proponents of legislation correctly point out that using phones while driving can be dangerous. The extent of the danger, however, is a matterRead MoreThe Epidemic of Texting and Driving Essay1478 Words  | 6 PagesAutomobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken over the nation in the past years. In today’s society, people have become more and more dependent on technology as everyday uses. How many can honestly say that they have text and driven? How many have had to swerve, stop on the brakes or almost gotten into an accident because of it? Texting while driving is the most common thing that almost everyone has done or seen. The main iss ue and threat is that peopleRead MoreCell Phones in the Hands of Drivers: a Risk or Benefit?1570 Words  | 7 PagesCell Phones in the Hands of Drivers A Risk or a Benefit Ariana Laguna English 102 Professor Barnes/Walter 10 December 2012 Outline THESIS: Unless the risks of cell phones are shown to outweigh the benefits, we should not restrict their use in moving vehicles: instead, we should educate the public about the dangers of driving while phoning and prosecute irresponsible phone users under laws on negligent and reckless driving. I. Scientific studies havent proved a link between use ofRead MoreThe Dangers Of Texting While Driving1561 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish 015 18 September 2014 â€Å"Almost Home†With the society we live in today, a cell phone almost becomes a necessity. Although cell phones come in handy and even make life a little easier, our cell phone usage is becoming a threat to us. There are several ways in which this powerful object can be dangerous. Texting while driving is one danger many do not realize until something drastic happens. Texting while driving is not only a threat to us, but as well as other drivers, passengers, and pedestriansRead MoreIs Texting Your Friends Or Family More Important Than Your Life? Essay789 Words  | 4 Pagestheir cell phone while driving. â€Å"One out of every four car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.†(Cell Phone Use While Driving Statistics) Using a cell phone while driving is dangerous, distracting, harmful, and may cause accidents. According to statistics, every day about 66,000 people try to use their phones while driving. â€Å"The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.†(Cell Phone Use While DrivingRead MoreStop the Use of Cell Phones While Driving854 Words  | 4 Pages13 2013 Many people driving don’t know that they can be so many wrongs they can be doing without realizing it. Plenty talk on the phone while driving, drink, text and drive. A lot of people even innocent people as well have had accidents involving one of those. Out of the three there has been one that has become more common, and it’s only increasing if people don’t put a stop to it themselves. A usage of a cell phone should not be displayed at any point while driving. It can wait many have hadRead MoreImportance Of Cell Phone Safety Essay1056 Words  | 5 PagesThe cell phone safety In spite of the fact that cell phones convey a few expediency and advantages to our lives, they additionally have some possibly unsafe impacts. Disclosure of cell phones has been one of the critical technological progress lately. A portion of these effects has contributed emphatically to our lives, yet at the same time, others have affected contrarily. The cell phones have had a noticeable effect on the social life of individuals. In any case, cell phones have accompanied
Monday, May 11, 2020
FILLMORE Surname Meaning and Origin
The Fillmore surname derives from the Old English given name, Filmore, meaning very famous, from the Germanic elements filu, meaning very, and mari, meaning famous. The root more, in many cases, derives from the Anglo-Saxon mà ¡ra, meaning renowned. The name is also considered by some to have derived from the Old English fille, which means full, fertile, as a name for someone who lived near a lake or a piece of fertile ground. Surname Origin: English Alternate Surname Spellings: PHILLMORE, PHILMORE, FILMORE, FILLMOOR, FILMOOR,FILLMOORE, FILMOORE, FYLMER, FYLMERE, FILLIMOR, FILLIMORE, FILMOUR Where in the World is the FILLMORE Surname Found? The Fillmore surname is most commonly found today in Canada, according to WorldNames PublicProfiler, especially the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The name is also fairly common in the U.S. states of Utah and Idaho. In the United Kingdom, the name is less popular, but found in greatest numbers across southern England and in Scotland. Surname distribution data from Forebears also indicates the Fillmore last name is most commonly found in Canada and the United States. It is also somewhat common in South Africa and Australia. In England during the period 1881–1901, Fillmore was most prevalent in Middlesex, followed by Surrey and Kent. Famous People with the Last Name FILLMORE Millard Fillmore - 13th President of the United StatesCharles Sherlock Fillmore - one of the founders of the Unity ChurchHenry Fillmore - American musician, composer and band leaderCharles J. Fillmore - American linguist, co-inventor of Case Grammar Genealogy Resources for the Surname FILLMORE How to Trace Your Family Tree in England and WalesLearn how to navigate through the wealth of records available for researching family history in England and Wales with this introductory guide. Presidential Surname Meanings and OriginsDo the surnames of U.S. presidents really have more prestige than your average Smith and Jones? While the proliferance of babies named Tyler, Madison, and Monroe may seem to point in that direction, presidential surnames are really just a cross-section of the American melting pot. Fillmore Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Fillmore family crest or coat of arms for the Fillmore surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. FamilySearch - FILLMORE GenealogyExplore over 140,000 historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Fillmore surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website, hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Fillmore Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Fillmore surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Fillmore query. FILLMORE Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts a free mailing list for researchers of the Fillmore surname. Post a query about your own Fillmore ancestors, or search or browse the mailing list archives. - FILLMORE Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Fillmore. The Fillmore Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the popular last name Fillmore from the website of Genealogy Today.----------------------- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back toGlossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Social Psychology Of Happiness - 1586 Words
Happiness as a phenomenon is a subject that has attracted attention from researchers in psychology. It is baffling how happiness is an intrinsic desire all wish to attain. There are many theories throughout time about how to achieve it and debates about whether it is even an ongoing process or a place. Many famous figures from ancient Greeks, Plato, and contemporary philosophers, Robert Nozick, have queried the meaning of it. Thus, there is no one set definition for happiness. Amongst the many concepts of happiness, is the one by Ed Diener and Shigehiro Oishi in their article, The Nonobvious Social Psychology of Happiness. They examine happiness in a non-conventional and psycho-social viewpoint. To them, there are three main factors that contribute to happiness; close social relationships, the ratio of negative events over positive events in relationships and culture and well-being (Diener Oishi, 2004). Another minor finding discussed is the hedonic treadmill of adaptation which ess entially the theory that life stresses and pleasures only provides temporary sadness or happiness. In other words, the effect it has neutralizes with time and adaptation to it occurs. Spending time with close friends and families makes people happy (i.e supporting, caring and being concerned with each other). This is a contention made by Diener and Oishi in their work. They reference the empirical findings of Bradburn which shows the strong correlation between happiness and close relationships.Show MoreRelatedPositive Interventions: A Comparison of Increased Happiness Resulting from Completing Actions Involving Kindness and Gratitude725 Words  | 3 PagesAlong with life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness is among the most fundamental ideals in American society. The men who founded the United States of America in the late 18th century listed these three values as â€Å"unalienable rights†for the citizens of the new nation they were forming. In a recent study looking at the pursuit of happiness, Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, and Schkade state, â€Å"If it is meaningful and important to pursue happiness, then it is crucial to find out how this can be accom plished†Read MorePositive Psychology Can Not Make Us Happier887 Words  | 4 PagesPositive Psychology Cannot Make Us Happier The question of whether individuals can create their own happiness without the aid of external influences has been raised and researched. However, the answer to the question is unclear. Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that supports the theory that an individual’s happiness is under their personal control, independent of any external influences or validation. Consequently, researchers have uncovered evidence that provides mixed results regardingRead MoreRichard Layard stated that ‘happiness comes from outside and within’.1090 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Richard Layard stated that ‘happiness comes from outside and within’. Happiness is described as a positive feeling that ranges from Joy to contentment. Everybody would like to be happy. It is believed that people who are happy are more successful, productive, have better relationships and better health. We would like to maintain these feelings when we have them. Richard Layard uses the terms ‘outside’ and ‘within’ to describe where happiness comes from. ‘Outside’ factors include influences likeRead MoreAging America, Trends And Projections ( Annotated ) Essay806 Words  | 4 PagesNurse, 17 (3) (1999), pp. 176–180 Brickman, P., Coates, D., Janoff-Bulman, R. (1978). Lottery winners and accident victims: Is happiness relative? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 917-927. Bryant, F. B., Smart, C. M., King, S. P. (2005). Using the past to enhance the present: Boosting happiness through positive reminiscence. Journal of Happiness Studies, 6(3), 227-260. Butler, R. N. (1963). The life review: An interpretation of reminiscence in the aged. Psychiatry, 26(1),Read MoreBeing A Treasure For Every Single Human852 Words  | 4 Pagesthe reasons of happiness. In order to figure out the answer, they gather information and observe human behaviors. These scholars conduct research projects to prove their hypothesis. This field of study is called psychology. Psychology describes humans in both physical and spiritual sides. It’s an academic field involving the study of behavior and its relationship to mind and brain (Zhang 1440). As human beings, our perception, cognition, and emotion influence our reactions. Psychology explains theRead MorePositive Interventions: Happiness Attained from Acts of Kindness and Gratitude1471 Words  | 6 Pageshave a positive effect on happiness as measured by self-esteem. Further, it was predicted that differences would be observed based on several factors: experimental condition, gender, and religious commitment. Participants (N=30) from a large, northeastern, urban university participated in an experiment in which positive interventions were performed daily for one week. Pre-test and post-test measures of happiness were obtained. The findings confirmed an increase in happiness following both interventionsRead MoreThe Correlation Between Social Activity And Subjective Well Being1701 Words  | 7 Pagescontained the ‘Satisfaction with Life Scale’ and the ‘Social Activity Measure†to decide upon if a relationship exited between social activity and subjective well-being. The data suggested that a weak positive connection between social activity and subjective well-being existed. The results supported the second hypothesis that the frequency of social activity would be less strongly correlated with well-being compared to satisfaction with social activity. The results finally indicated that the finalRead MoreThe Correlation Between Social Activity And Subjective Well Being1701 Words  | 7 Pagescontained the ‘Satisfaction with Life Scale’ and the ‘Social Activity Measure†to decide upon if a relationship exited between social activity and subjective well-being. The data suggested that a weak positive connection between social activity and subjective well-being existed. The results supported the second hypothesis that the frequency of social activity would be less strongly correlated with well-being compared to satisfaction with social activity. The results finally indicated that the finalRead MorePsychology, Religion, And Religion1397 Words  | 6 PagesPsychology and religion are two fields of inquiry that are intimately related despite not initially seeming so. Humans have been engaging in religious thought for as long as we know, and possibly since we were first capable of thought. Likewise, psychology is a deceptively old field; although psychology as so named is a recent invention, philosophers have been asking the same questions the modern field does for centuries. Furthermore, both psychology and religion seek to address similar questionsRead MorePositve Psychology and Aristotles Virtue Ethics Converge Essay1569 Words  | 7 PagesPositive psychology and Aristotle: A convergence of ideas The field of positive psychology, founded by Martin Seligman (1998), seeks to influence individuals whose lives are â€Å"neutral†and increase their psychological well-being. Positive psychology offers a unique perspective on mental health through focusing on individual strengths rather than dysfunction, pathology, and mental illness (Seligman Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). The goal of positive psychology is to assist individuals in creating meaningful
Christian Influences on the Modern World Free Essays
Despite its numerous branches, Christianity as a whole is the religion practiced by majority of world’s population. Ever since its beginnings in the first century AD, it grew exponentially. Massive numbers of its followers have caused it to have considerable influence on the world culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Christian Influences on the Modern World or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since the majority of its followers were from what is considered the western world, the influence of Christianity on it was greater than elsewhere. The impact of Christian philosophy in the areas of politics, economy, business, law, education, science and human relations will be discussed in this report.While the issues discussed are contemporary, the historical aspects are also presented. The educational system of countries under theocratic governance is influenced to a greater extent by it than any other institution. The reason for this is simply that the process of educating requires the presentation of ideas and theories whose validity is established by the governing authority. Where other institutions concerning business, health, etc†¦ already have an established infrastructure, the educational institution can be completely remodeled and molded into any shape that is desired.Those countries that practice extreme forms of theocracies generally concentrate in providing religious education and ignoring other subject areas [1]. Some of the subject matter may be considered extravagant resulting in its exclusion from the curriculum. At the same time, through religious influence, young minds can be channeled into maintaining the cultural aspects of the nation that themselves could have been shaped by the religion [2]. Christianity has played an influential role affecting western societies throughout history. The command of Christianity was greater in the past centuries and has gradually decreased.Today its influence is very low and constantly fading. In the 18th and 19th century, Christian education was extremely important to the education of a child. More so than any other subject matter, the moral aspect of life was given more importance. However as time passed and knowledge grew, especially in the field of science, other subject matter grew in their precedence. Nevertheless, religious education was not neglected. However, in the early 20th century, the education of the origin of life contradicted the religious education concerning that matter. This issue was taken to court and the court decided in favor of the religious side [3].Half a century later, when opponents questioned the constitutionality of prayers in public schools, the matter went to the Supreme Court and the decision this time resulted in the abolishment of prayers from schools. This was the turning point in the influence of Christianity on education. From this point on, the influence of Christianity on education has been minimal and public school education has been completely secularized. Christianity’s influence on business is not easy to perceive. The effect of other religions on business, such as Islam’s effect on the business practices in the Middle East is easily observable.Some of the many influences of Islam on business in a country practicing Islam include closing and opening shops at only certain periods of the day, having certain religious holidays, donating certain amount of the profit to the local Muslim charity and so on. Likewise, the effect of Judaism on business is easily observed when those practicing Judaism don’t open their places of business on Saturdays in order to keep Sabbath and not buying or selling of any â€Å"non-kosher†food items. Looking at all these practices, it seems that Christianity stands out because it does not seem to have any influence on the business practices of our current world. This may seem true because those nations that had practiced Christianity in the past have for the most part separated religion from social aspects of life. Nevertheless, the current business practices of the western world have been influenced by Christianity in complex and subtle ways. One of the effects of Christianity is the very existence of the capitalist nature of the businesses in countries that had been influenced by Christianity. In the past when capitalism was under attack by communism, one of the chief aspects of anti-communism propaganda was claiming communism to be an anti-Christian ideology.This idea is not as far-fetched as it seems. The idea that hard working people should be rich and idle people should be poor originated from biblical passages which say that a man who does not work shall not eat. There are other biblical passages which advocate that hard work is blessed by God. Thus the idea of a capitalist country where every individual tries his/her best to gain wealth and is not hindered from doing so originated in many ways from the Christian culture. This idea also reveals how communism stood in the opposite position since the wages of every worker would be fixed regardless of the work put in.Apart from the above mentioned influences, similar influences are hard to pinpoint. However, they still do exist. As an example, the keeping of business places closed on Sunday is the direct result of the dedication of Sunday as a day of rest as it was established by the Catholic Church. In the current period, Christianity did attempt to make an influence in the business practices of the western world when credit cards were gaining fame and becoming part of the society. Christian influence attempted to oppose the trend because Bible passages indicated that a person should never borrow money but live by what he/she owns. Thus a hurdle was setup by this concept but it did not have much effect and credit cards became part of society. However, this indicates that Christianity is not as influential as it used to be and its power is fading. It has always been supposed and portrayed that science and Christianity stand on opposite sides. The proponents of each side for the most part believe that they will be at war with each other. And this is not an unfounded belief either because the Christian account of creation has always conflicted with the account of evolution which is accepted by the majority of scientists.The Supreme Court of the United States had upheld the scientists’ right to teach the theory of evolution in public schools and the struggle by the Christians to abolish that right has faded, since the Christians have understood that no court is going to rule in their favor [4]. However, this loss of Christianity was a major one because not only did it affect other scientific areas but it als o affected aspects of culture, education, morality, etc†¦ If the very claim that God made everything could be contested and the new ideology is going to take dominance then all aspects of lifestyles will change for those who accept the new belief. And this change has already taken place and it is advancing further. The modern gay rights movement and the abortion movement though seem not to have any roots in this science VS Christianity battle, but it is only logical to perceive that the opponents of these movements are backed up by their religious belief which holds an opposing view of morality than those that the proponents of these movements hold. Regardless of the past defeats, the Christian movement has been putting up a fight against the popular claims of science in the field of biology.While the explanation for the origin of life has been attributed to the theory of evolution by its proponents, the lack of major fossil evidence as highly supposed by the early founders of this belief as well as the mostly unexplainable aspects of the complexity of life has brought into question the validity of this entire belief system. While the proponents of the theory of evolution have no answers to these new confounding problems, the lack of any supporting evidence to the original Christian belief has hindered its success into its own reestablishment.Nevertheless, the Christian side did wage a war and has attempted to take the matter of teaching their view to public school students through the idea of â€Å"Intelligent Design†to the Supreme Court. Even though the Christian side lost, their opposition is still strong and only time can determine the ultimate fate of this issue. While the influence of Christianity on most aspects of life in America has resulted in its weakening ability to maintain its power, its influence on politics stands out.Politics is the only field where Christian views regardless of the class of voters has mostly prevailed. In fact, a presidential candidate is not likely to be elected to the White House unless he reveals Christian upbringing or at least Christian views. Not only is politics inconsistent with the rest of the social structures, it is the only field that stands in utter contradiction since it had officially separated itself from all religious influences through the concept of â€Å"separation of Church and State†first presented through the Constitution of America.While in other structures of society, Christianity stands in opposition to the trends and aspirations of the culture which for the most part picks liberal views over the conservative ones, in the case of politics, it is only the candidate running for his /her seat whose views are considered. The voters seem to hold the view that a candidate from a Christian background is moral and thus necessary to maintain a stable structure of the American way of life. This is not to say that the voters choose an anti-abortion or anti-gay candidate as their elected official. But the voters pick a candidate who describes his choices as being motivated by Christian views even though his interpretations of Christian morality may completely oppose Christian teachings. Thus in light of all these events and opinions, Christianity still holds its power in the field of politics although the other institutions have mostly rejected and ousted it. Christianity has played a crucial role in relationships, be it marital, single or family relations. Christianity teaches its followers to live with morality, and has set out a series of rules and regulations.These rules include abstinence and the legal binding of two individuals through marriage. Christianity strictly forbids sex before marriage. Whether practicing Christians follow this trend is in question due to a lack of reliable statistical data. However, many Christians choose to interpret these rules to fit their own needs and desired views. Such is the case where Christian children are taught to â€Å"respect their elders†and parents are encouraged to â€Å"discipline their children†[5].Whether â€Å"discipline†is meant as a corporal form of punishment or limiting the child’s recreational activities is left to the user’s interpretation. However, the teachings of the Bible/Christianity have often been used as justification or an excuse to abuse children This form (corporal punishment) of abuse is detrimental to a child’s physical and mental health and thus Christianity is often labeled the culprit and seen in bad light due to the fact that many infer that Christianity condones the abuse of children. From 1970 to 2000 the majority of U. S. tates voted to ban corporal punishment on a child the only exception being Ohio [6]. Christianity had influenced the modern world ever since its conception. Since the west has influenced the rest of the world dramatically, it can be said that Christianity itself has influenced the entire world. However, despite being a major religion of the world, the influence of Christianity has been fading in the past few centuries. For a majority of its existence it was the primary dictator of various ideologies. Drastic turn- around from this practice as witnessed in the contemporary orld will no doubt create a fundamentally different society. Whether for good or for worse, the effects of our presently upheld ideologies will only be known in its time.References1] http://worldblog.msnbc. msn. com/archive/2007/10/26/433457. aspx2] http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1874471. stm 3] http://www.msnbc. msn. com/id/10545387/ How to cite Christian Influences on the Modern World, Papers
Election Of Lincoln And Civil War Essay free essay sample
, Research Paper How did the election of Lincoln to president in 1860 lead to civil war in the United States of America? Essay: In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as president of the United States of America, the reverberations of which led to civil war. However it was non merely Lincoln # 8217 ; s election that led to civil war but besides the bondage argument between the northern and southern provinces and the province of the economic system in the United States. Together with the election of Lincoln these caused a split, both politically and ideologically, between the North and South provinces which manifested into what is now refereed to as the American Civil War. When Lincoln won the 1860 election it was non by a bulk ballot. As stated by the historian Neville he in fact won less than 40 per centum of popular ballots. However because the American election system is based on the college ballots system ( where each province is worth a certain figure of points and if a campaigner wins the bulk of ballots in that province he wins all the points for that province, irrespective of how much he wins by. To win the full election a campaigner must win the most sum of points ) he was able to win the election with a minority of ballots. Lincoln won all the provinces in the North and in the West which, because of their high population, were deserving the most points. This election caused the civil war because of what the southern provinces, the Confederate, perceived Lincoln to be. He was thought to be an emancipationist, intending a individual who wishes to get rid of bondage wholly. In fact Lincoln merely wished to halt the spread of bondage, non to get rid of it wholly. He had no purpose of altering the established societal order in the South. Historian J. J. Cosgrove sees Lincoln # 8217 ; s election as the straw that broke the camel # 8217 ; s back. He claims in his book, co-written with J. K. Kreiss, Two Centuries that the civil war can be put down to five causes ; bondage ; political prostration that eliminated via media ; sectional economic competition ; Southern patriotism ; and the consequence of fractional minorities such as emancipationists. This can be summed up as a rift between the North and south provinces. A rift between the North and the South had been present since the late 18th centaury. It began with the industrial revolution, which saw the northern provinces prosper. The North changed industries from farming and agribusiness to fabrics and mills. This in bend saw the rise of bankers and attorneies and northern metropoliss such as New York became the known as the cultural Centres of America. The southern provinces continued agribusiness and many Southerners became really affluent with the usage of slaves. The innovation of the cotton gin in 1792 by Eli Whitney increased the productiveness by about one 1000 times. This caused more prosperity in the South. However the North besides gained from this in the signifier of duties and revenue enhancements. Forty cents out of every dollar made from cotton went to the North. This sowed the seeds for bitterness of the North by the South. The South # 8217 ; s economic system was based really much on bondage. The slaves picked the cotton and baccy that powered the South. With out the slaves the South # 8217 ; s manner of life would decrease. When educated Northerners claimed bondage to be morally incorrect the slave proprietors ferociously defended their manner of life. When spiritual minorities began to emerge into the public oculus the Southern provinces viewed them as a menace. Religious society of friendss where a non-violent religious order of Christianity that preached that bondage was incorrect and morally pervert in the eyes of God. Religious society of friendss were typically flush and good away. They used their wealth to back up abolitionist newssheets such as The Liberator, whic H was run by William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison was a ardent emancipationist who would do no via media with slave proprietors and in his first publication wrote on the first page in big fount â€Å"No Union with slave owners. The United States Constitution is a compact with decease and an understanding with hell†. Partially inspired by Garrison but largely by the inhuman treatment of his maestro a Negro slave started a revolution, which was named after him as Nat Turner # 8217 ; s Insurrection. Turner and fellow slaves rose up and killed 50 White persons. This was slave proprietor # 8217 ; s worst nightmare come true. It was seen that the slaves were traveling about slaying the Whites in their beds while they slept. C. P. Hill writes that it was put down with barbarian inhuman treatment and that Garrison was blamed by the South for the rebellion Another emancipationist attempted to liberate the Negro slaves in a run where he would derive weaponries for them and they would lift up to run into him. John Brown was a violent Christian fundamentalist, who had antecedently murdered five slave proprietors with his boies by choping them to decease with matchets. His program was that he would take the armory at Harper # 8217 ; s Ferry, acquire arms for the slaves, who would fall in him at that place and together they would head south go forthing behind them a trail of freed slaves and dead slave dealers. However Brown was besieged in the armory, which saw most of his party shooting, and himself wounded. Between Brown and Turner the voice of minorities was heard in the South, but this caused the Southerners to disregard all the voices of the North as it was seen as a menace to the manner of life in the South. The manner of life was highly of import facet of the lead up to civil war. The Southerners were highly devoted to their manner of life and were willing to pay for it in blood. This is frequently described as Southern Nationalism because the south began to see itself as its ain state for which Southerners felt more commitment than the whole of the United States. Included in this belief of patriotism was the issue of province # 8217 ; s rights. The South strongly believed in each province holding the right to regulate itself with out outside intervention. It was feared by the South that Lincoln would get rid of bondage and hence interfere with province # 8217 ; s rights. Before Lincoln # 8217 ; s election the southern provinces had already proclaimed that if Lincoln were to be elected so they would splinter from the brotherhood. Unfortunately for the south the chief political party ( democrats ) split over a argument of who should take the party. Douglas, one member taking for leading of the Democrats, believed in popular sovereignty ie the population of a province choosing for itself on the affair of bondage. The other member besides taking to govern the Democrat was Breckinbridge, who believed in bondage being permitted in all provinces. The Democrat party split into the northern and southern Democrats. Because of the split Lincoln was able to win the election, upon which the southern provinces succeeded from the brotherhood. In decision the election of Lincoln as president in 1860 caused a civil war because it was falsely perceived by the South that Lincoln would endanger the province # 8217 ; s constitutional right to slavery. This false thought was due to a rift between the northern and southern provinces in both an economic and ideological mode. That is the North was based on industry and by and large was opposed to slavery. But the South was an agricultural society which ran on bondage and, due to Nat Turner # 8217 ; s Insurrection and John Brown # 8217 ; s base at Harper # 8217 ; s Ferry, was fearful of the north # 8217 ; s engagement in the government of provinces every bit good as being opposed to this on the footing of province # 8217 ; s rights. The election of Lincoln caused the South to win from the brotherhood doing civil war.
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