Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Racial Slavery and the Development of Our Nation Essay
The United States of America, a symbol for freedom and liberty throughout the world, was built upon the backs of millions of vulnerable slaves. By the time we became a country in 1776, slavery was engrained in many of our founding fathers minds as the source of economic wellbeing. Each state, community and individual had their own ideas about the institution and whether it was morally or constitutionally right. It is one of the highest debated topics in the history of our country. Slavery, controversial as it may be, was an integral part of the maturation of our young nation. Slavery has been in existence around the world nearly as long as humans have. But what developed in the New World was very different from what the rest of the†¦show more content†¦After they obtained their freedom and recognized that their limited â€Å"freedom dues†were inadequate to acquire land, many began to show their displeasure. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676 was major weight added to the scale that shifted Virginia’s plantation labor from indentured servitude to African slaves. Confrontation between the Native Americans and settlers in western Virginia spearheaded an uprising that demanded Governor Berkeley to provide more land to the poor whites. Berkeley stood by his decision to maintain peaceful relations with the local Native American population, which sparked a series of uprisings and massacres that grew into full rebellion against Berkeley and his men. Berkeley fled when Nathaniel Bacon and his ranks burned Jamestown to the ground, which led to Bacon’s rule over Virginia for a short while until England sent warships to regain control. This conflict altered the planter’s view on indentured servitude, understanding that slaves could never become free men, demanding land and creating successful rebellions. For fear of civil war among whites, the elite planters helped launch us into a racially divided slave society. The rise in popularity of tobacco in the Chesapeake meant a need for more hands to cultivate it. This made the planters turn to the transatlantic slave trade. Slaves, compared with indentured servants, were much more beneficial to the owner. They were not protected under the law, andShow MoreRelatedThe Violence Of Black Americans Essay1532 Words  | 7 PagesWho are we? What defines us? In America, we are defined by our class, what we do and most importantly – how we look. Since the birth of our nation, a notion of â€Å"race†has been rooted to our core personas. In fact it can enforce stereotypes of class and careers. It is evident that Black Americans are un-proportionally living in poverty and without easy access to achievement. This harsh reality is not helped by our media-driven society. 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