Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Racial Slavery and the Development of Our Nation Essay
The United States of America, a symbol for freedom and liberty throughout the world, was built upon the backs of millions of vulnerable slaves. By the time we became a country in 1776, slavery was engrained in many of our founding fathers minds as the source of economic wellbeing. Each state, community and individual had their own ideas about the institution and whether it was morally or constitutionally right. It is one of the highest debated topics in the history of our country. Slavery, controversial as it may be, was an integral part of the maturation of our young nation. Slavery has been in existence around the world nearly as long as humans have. But what developed in the New World was very different from what the rest of the†¦show more content†¦After they obtained their freedom and recognized that their limited â€Å"freedom dues†were inadequate to acquire land, many began to show their displeasure. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676 was major weight added to the scale that shifted Virginia’s plantation labor from indentured servitude to African slaves. Confrontation between the Native Americans and settlers in western Virginia spearheaded an uprising that demanded Governor Berkeley to provide more land to the poor whites. Berkeley stood by his decision to maintain peaceful relations with the local Native American population, which sparked a series of uprisings and massacres that grew into full rebellion against Berkeley and his men. Berkeley fled when Nathaniel Bacon and his ranks burned Jamestown to the ground, which led to Bacon’s rule over Virginia for a short while until England sent warships to regain control. This conflict altered the planter’s view on indentured servitude, understanding that slaves could never become free men, demanding land and creating successful rebellions. For fear of civil war among whites, the elite planters helped launch us into a racially divided slave society. The rise in popularity of tobacco in the Chesapeake meant a need for more hands to cultivate it. This made the planters turn to the transatlantic slave trade. Slaves, compared with indentured servants, were much more beneficial to the owner. They were not protected under the law, andShow MoreRelatedThe Violence Of Black Americans Essay1532 Words  | 7 PagesWho are we? What defines us? In America, we are defined by our class, what we do and most importantly – how we look. Since the birth of our nation, a notion of â€Å"race†has been rooted to our core personas. In fact it can enforce stereotypes of class and careers. It is evident that Black Americans are un-proportionally living in poverty and without easy access to achievement. This harsh reality is not helped by our media-driven society. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Bridge paper Free Essays
The builders could not have imagined that it would be still in use over 100 years after its opening (ENDEX Engineering 2007). So who were these people who built the bridge? What gave them the energy to construct one of the world’s greatest marvels? It can be safely said that there were only three people who believed in the project from start to finish. These were the Roeblings’; father, son, and son’s wife. We will write a custom essay sample on Bridge paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story of their achievement is the same so while the remainder of this paper will dwell on son Washington Roebling’s achievements it could just as easily be the story of the other two. Education and Practical Training Washington Roebling was the son of an impressive man, born May 26th 1837 in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania. Few remember his father; which says something about Washington’s accomplishments. His father owned a very successful wire rope business and was a pioneer in the field of iron and steel cable. As Washington grew older, he began to help his father in engineering endeavors. Since wire rope is a superb match for suspension bridge construction with flexibility and a high tensile strength, the Roeblings’ did much work in this field (Invention Factory 2007). Before entering the army, Washington went to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Much like civil engineering majors today, it took him four years to receive his degree, but it was much more hands on than is allowed today. The education back in the 1800’s was mostly on-the-job training, whereas today computer technologies and weeding out nonconformists through mindless homework play a huge role in education. Today modern engineering students, co-ops and internships help provide realistic situations. During the civil war, in which Washington Roebling served superbly as an engineer officer in the 6th New York Calvary, Washington began to make a name for himself. He built a 1200 foot suspension bridge across the Rappahannock River and spent much of his time in a hot air balloon, the civil war version of air reconnaissance. Before the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, John sent Washington to Europe to study new methods for the sinking of the foundations. Later in his life, Washington would bestow almost all the credit and knowledge obtained for the Brooklyn Bridge to his father. Knowledge from the army and from his dad were used in his finishing of the two giant granite masonry towers that climbed 276 feet above high water over which to suspend wire cables to support a road 135 feet at its highest point above the water. This height was needed for ships to pass under. The bridge would be wide, at 85 feet, and the cables that would support the span would be bound to huge anchorages of 60,000 tons each (ENDEX Engineering 2007). The Brooklyn Bridge was an innovative project. Table 2 shows all the accomplishments and innovations that are related to the Brooklyn Bridge. Socioeconomic and Political Environments After the Civil War, Washington returned to the family business, assisting in completing two more suspension bridges across the Ohio River (Invention Factory 2007). During this time Washington’s father, John, became interested in building a bridge across the East River. New York legislators finally realized the need for a route over the East River and passed a bill for some sort of construction. The largest restriction that the plans for the structure had to abide by was its height over the river, which was set to avoid contact with masts of ships that passes under it. This idea of a bridge was nothing new. For 60 years, different ways of linking Brooklyn and New York had been considered (Trachtenberg 1965). Soon, the city of New York set up the first ferries from Manhattan to Brooklyn in 1812 but more versatile transit was needed. The Brooklyn Bridge was erected out of economic necessity and urban sprawl (Brooke and Davidson 2006). New York City was a huge immigration hub. In the mid-1800’s, men and women began to emigrate from Europe and many settled in Brooklyn. As a result, many lived in boarding houses. Brooklyn at this time consisted mainly of Irish immigrants. Immigrants were paid very poorly considered the work they performed as it was always the most demanding and risky. From 1860 to 1870, Brooklyn’s population growth was 50 percent; the fastest growing city at the time (Trachtenberg 1965). Manhattan was the opposite of Brooklyn, in that it was primarily a business district in the mid 1800’s. Approximately 40 percent of wager earners in Brooklyn had jobs in Manhattan. The northeastern coast was a major hub for imports and manufacturing goods after the Erie Canal was built. At the time the only way to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn was by fairy which was often slow and hampered by storms. Taking the ferries tended to be very dangerous. Plans for a either a bridge or a tunnel over the East River were interrupted by the Civil War. Bridges were thought to be impossible as no materials where known to be strong enough to support the needed span. Part of the problem was that the bridge needed to be high above the channel to allow masted ships to pass beneath it, even at high tide. These details had proved insurmountable until then. A fleet of ferries shuttled people and goods across the river every day. John Roebling, with his wire rope business and history of successful suspension bridges, had a viable solution (Invention Factory 2007). The Brooklyn Bridge would use steel in its cables. Good wrought iron breaks at 30 tons where good steel of the same size breaks at 75 tons (2. 5 times stronger) (Hart 1967). While it was not trusted at the time because of its newness, the Roeblings’ had faith in its strength. At the time, suspension bridges were viewed with suspicion. Many had failed in storms or under live loads; however, none of the bridges John had built had ever failed. One of the reasons he had succeeded was that he made them very stiff, preventing flexing from wind that would plague other suspension bridge builders into the next century and most famously in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940, more than 70 years after John. After due debate, the Brooklyn Bridge Company was formed with John Roebling as chief engineer (Invention Factory 2007). One thing that the times lent to the project was a good source of cheap labor. Poor immigrants, mainly Irish, were the ones who worked the most on the bridge. They also took the brunt of the casualties. Approximately 20-30 people died during construction and administration viewed it as necessary and unavoidable. Labor was very manual and at the time workers had very little power in politics. The Irish workers did not enjoy the choice of date, as it coincided with the Queen’s birthday. Technological Context Construction Details In December 1849, an accident mangled Roebling’s father’s left hand while undergoing testing on the innovative wire rope machinery. This new technology would set this bridge far ahead of its time, utilizing a braded configuration allowing flexibility and easier handling (Trachtenberg 1965). The Brooklyn Bridge would use steel in its cables. Good wrought iron breaks at 30 tons where good steel of the same size breaks at 75 tons (2. 5 times stronger) (Hart 1967). While steel was not trusted at the time because of its newness, the Roeblings’ had faith in its strength. At the time, steel or no steel, suspension bridges were viewed with suspicion. Many had failed in storms or under live loads; however, none of the bridges John had built had ever failed. One of the reasons he had succeeded was that he made them very stiff, preventing flexing from wind that would plague other suspension bridge builders into the next century and most famously in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940, more than 70 years after John’s lifetime. Construction was very hazardous at that time, even for chief engineers. At the start of the project, the Brooklyn Bridge Company lost a crucial member. A ferryboat crushed John Roebling’s foot when he was on site. After having his toes amputated, during which he declined anesthetic, an infection set in and killed him (ENDEX Engineering 2007). Surprisingly there was little debate over who should succeed him. Washington Roebling was already deeply involved with the project so he was appointed successor (Invention Factory 2007). In 1872 disaster struck again. Washington himself was down in the caissons more than any one else. He was suddenly struck with what was called caisson sickness, and is what is modernly called the bends (Invention Factory 2007). This disease was not understood at the time and results from prolonged exposure to high pressures and then sudden decompression, allowing nitrogen bubbles to form in blood and possibly clog them. Washington was not the first to fall ill from the bends, in fact, people had already died of it but work proceeded on. After coming back even though clearly sick, Washington was bedridden, crippled for the remainder of the project. He was only able to stand for 10 minutes at a time when the bridge opened in 1883 (Smithsonian Associates 2004). Washington remained head engineer giving orders from his bed but the person most visible to visitors at the project was his wife, Emily. She knew just as much about the project as Washington. When a board of enquiry was put together to try to oust the bedridden head engineer she removed sufficient doubt from its members for Roebling to stay (Smithsonian Associates 2004). To say she was the head engineer would only be a very slight exaggeration. The towers that supported the span were made out of limestone, granite and concrete. Newly found techniques for making steel made it a cheap, strong metal for the suspension cables (Hart 1967). The first order of business was to sink the two giant caissons into the riverbed to support the towers (Figure 1). These were made of 12 x 12 yellow pine beams and weighed by themselves 3000 tons, having 15 foot thick roofs to keep the excavators from getting crushed by the eventually 80,000 tons of rock piled on top to make up the Towers. John found a new way to devise a foundation. The caissons were floated into place and then sunk into position, driven downward by the towers on top and crews underneath removing the actual riverbed (ENDEX Engineering 2007). Once they reached solid ground the caissons would be pumped full of grout and serve as a perfect foundation. They were undoubtedly the most tedious and difficult part of the bridge construction. Excavation methods consisted of shovel, pick, wheelbarrow, steel bar stone breakers, winches, and ten ton hydraulic jacks, eventually blasting after Washington Roebling conducted a series of experiments in the caisson. Initial rate of caisson excavation and lowering produced 6 inches per week, with a workforce of 360 people constructing the bridge (Trachtenberg 1965). Compressed air was used in the caissons to keep the water out, and the deeper they got (78 feet on the New York side, 45 feet on the Brooklyn side) the higher the pressure needed (ENDEX Engineering 2007). This was dangerous in more way than one. Fires could be catastrophic, and occasionally there would be a blowout that subsequently would allow water back in. The largest of these air releases blew rocks and mud 500 feet into the air in 1870. Fires, from using dynamite, were the worst however. One was found smoldering in the 15 feet of wood under the Brooklyn Caisson, fed by compressed air (ENDEX Engineering 2007). Eventually some timbers were replaced and the rest of the holes were pumped full of grout. The New York caisson was stopped after 78 feet not because it had reached rock but because conditions had become intolerable. As a result, to this day it rests on sand; surprisingly stable (ENDEX Engineering 2007). The Brooklyn and New York Towers were completed in 1875 and 1876 respectively (ENDEX Engineering 2007). The cables were strung after the completion of the towers. Perhaps the greatest calamity struck in the middle of this. A cable snapped, killing two men, and it was found to be very substandard (ENDEX Engineering 2007). Incidentally, the contractor who supplied the steel cable was not John Roebling’s Sons Co, which at the time was owned exclusively by Washington’s brothers. The cables were flawed. Eventually, the wire in all the cables, including 1520 suspenders and 400 diagonal stays, was approximately 3600 miles long (ENDEX Engineering 2007). Personal Characteristics Washington fought in the civil war both on the ground as a military observer from hot air balloons. Washington served at Gettysburg with distinction on Little Round Top and was at the siege of Richmond (Invention Factory 2007). He became very noble and selfless, though cocky at times, during the Civil War. Perhaps the most important part of his war career, however, was that he met his wife to be, Emily Warren, because he served under her brother, General G. K. Warren (ENDEX Engineering 2007). He ended the war at the rank of a Colonel. After the war he helped his father build the Cincinnati-Covington Bridge (now called John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge) before the Brooklyn Bridge. Despite many the huge hurdles of the Brooklyn Bridge project, among which was the fact that Washington became horribly sick and bedridden for most of the actual building from decompression sickness when the huge caissons for the twin towers were sunk in the Hudson riverbed (hence the traditional term ‘caisson sickness’), he managed to oversee all stages of its construction. He did this only with the help of his wife Emily Warren Roebling, who almost every day visited the site and reported to him and who some felt built the bridge herself (The Great Engineers, 1967). The Brooklyn Bridge was opened May 24th 1883 by the president of the United States U. S. Grant, to fireworks and one cent ticket passes to cross. Apparently it was a great relief to Washington Roebling as his health began to slowly improve. After the completing this engineering marvel in 1883, Washington lived a relatively quiet life, mostly as a result of being still partially crippled from his illness, and when his wife died in 1903 he remarried in 1908. He spent much of his time collecting minerals, which was his one great hobby, eventually having 16,000 specimens and ending up in the Museum of Natural History’s mineral and gem collection (Smithsonian Associates 2004). This hobby added balance to his life and probably kept him from accomplishing very much else as it took so much of his time. He outlived his wife Emily and remarried. He became president of his fathers company, John Roebling’s Sons, in 1921 at the age of 79. He brought incredible energy to the position, modernizing the factory with electricity and adding a galvanized wire section. The business prospered under his leadership until 1926, when Washington Roebling died. When one has hobbies such as athletics help keeps a healthy time management of school work and fun down time. College is one of the few times were one can have fun. There is a time and place to enjoy your hobbies but to enjoy these hobbies one must put in an honest day’s work. Conclusion When the Brooklyn Bridge opened to traffic on May 24th 1883, it was one of the grandest engineering marvels of that century in North America. The construction was composed of many firsts. Despite innumerable setbacks, including the untimely death of the original designer of the plan, John A. Roebling, and the crippling of his son, Washington Roebling, who succeeded him in the chief engineer duties it, was finished in 14 years, having been commenced January 2, 1870. At the time of completion it was 50% longer than any other suspension bridge, it was the first to use steel cables, much stronger than hemp or cast iron previously used. The towers that supported the four main cables (each of which supports a total dead live load of about 6 million pounds) for the span were the largest stone and masonry objects of their kind rising approximately 276 feet above the high water mark (Smithsonian Associates 2004). The challenges of this are hard to fathom in today’s world of reinforced concrete. How to cite Bridge paper, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Kurt Cobain free essay sample
l had a good marriage, and for that Im grateful. .. But Ive become hateful toward all humans in general only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Kurt Cabin, in his suicide note, found next to his corpse on Friday, April 8th 1994, stated his hatred towards human society. Dead at 27, he remains among one of the most monumental and controversial lyricists in history.In spite of his tempestuous marriage with drug addict, Courtney Love, reckless drug abuse, and a childhood drained of emotion, Cabin escalated to become the epitome of a rocks an alluring misfit who spent every waking minute under surveillance by either drug officers or the Time magazine paparazzi. Kurt indeed lived the life of a punk rock fantasy and continues to be remembered as he was publicized: the last genuine rocks. Wendy, Curts mother, gave birth to her first son on February 20th, 1967 (Kurt Cobalt). Wendy was a stay-at-home wife while her husband, Donald, worked at the local gas station in Aberdeen, Washington.In spite of Curts impoverished home-life, he stated that his childhood was full of happiness. Kurt received nothing but kisses ND hugs as a child, was as If the Cabins focused on affection, the familys main philosophy (Gracie 7). Aside from his relationship with his parents; however, came his association with music 0 the two components which formed Curts personality. Since the age of two. His Aunt Marl began, hes been singleness would sing the Battles songs like Hey Jude;He had a lot of charisma at a young age. Kurt received his first percussion instrument for his third birthday: a bass drum.Yet, this Is only because he was entirely too Impatient to play the guitar (Gracie 8). As Kurt ere older, his impatience increased and he grew to be extremely overactive. And by the age of seven he was diagnosed with an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, shortened to ADD. To assist Curts energy levels he was prescribed Rattail, which, when broken down, is a form of Speed. This makes up for the scientific hypothesis that Rattail causes addictive behavior in life; however, if the person who does have an ADD disorder and is not prescribed, then the person is more likely to become a drug addict (Cross 29).As an adult, Kurt commented too reporter about his Rattail ND explained, When youre a kid and you get this drug that makes you feel good, where are you going to turn when youre an was something that gave you that [euphoric] feeling as a child 0 isnt that a memory that is going to stick with you? H owever, everything seemed to alter for Kurt when his mother filed a divorce against his father on March 29th, 1975 (Grace 9). To Kurt, the divorce was a hell that shaped his personality into what he became (Cross 21).On June 7th of 1976, Kurt wrote on his bedroom wall, l hate Mom, I hate Dad. Dad hates Mom, Mom hates Dad. 0 the of his parents was lost (Cross 21). Kurt went into a state of denial and depression; he both needed his family, and at the same time did not. He was shuffled In and out of his parents new homes, giving the impression that he was, truly, a vagabond. But the tension between Kurt and his parents eased when Don received custody on June 8th, 1978 (Cross 27). The same year, however, Don new stepmother (Cross 34).Kurt withdrew, and his father simply could not bear his own son any longer. By 1982, Kurt was lodging with his Uncle Jim, a drug addict gross 39). That summer, Kurt started getting into heavier rock music and began existing to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, yet his favorite band at the time was Reunion. At age 14, to get in tune with the new music genre, Kurt decided to give up playing the drums and began taking guitar lessons. At Aberdeen High School, Cabin soon lost his interest in sports and his preppy classmates (Cross 41).Kurt also disregarded most academics, focusing mainly on his art and music courses. His most recognized was his friendship was with a gay student, led to bullying at the hands of homophobic students (Biography Kurt Cabin). That friendship, along with his rather delicate stature, led some students o believe that he himself was gay. Kurt also disregarded most academics, focusing mainly on his art and music courses (Cross 42). He often drew during classes, including objects associated with futures and the human body (Cross 42). By this time Curts life revolved around music.He Joined a local musical group known as Melvin, which soon inspired Kurt to form a band of his own when Kurt flunked out of high school six weeks before graduation (Cabin, Kurt). Because his mother Anted nothing to do with a failure, she gave him one of two options: Get a Job, or get out (Cabin, Kurt). So a week later Kurt left his house, holding nothing but what he could carry within two trash bags. As a result of his musical talents, Kurt put together an original music band called Nirvana; a band that soon became known worldwide for intensity and originality.In the late sass , pop culture was at an all-time high in the United States and punk rock reigned in all of Europe. The pop culture was really only made for nothing more than commercial purposes. Legendary pop stars such as Madonna, Prince, and the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, dedicated most of their lyrics to physical and motional love, but since love was something Kurt did not fully experience throughout the majority of his life, pop music really didnt really catch his attention IPop Music).As a result, the band then looked towards punk rock 0 music with a fast tempo, heavy drums, light-tuned guitars, and vocals that generated from the throat (Punk Music). Kurt loved the lyrics punk rock had to offer; however, when he hea rd it for the first time, he was disappointed by the musics general melody (Gracie 10). To meet their standards, Nirvana broke people away from Michael Jacksons pop ultra and twisted The Ramose punk rock lyrics, and formed a distorted type of rock, also known as Grunge. Grunge music became a new genre generated from alternative rock, hard core punk rock, and heavy metal (Grunge Music). Grunge music, like punk rock, must consist of professional guitarists who can play strong riffs and an experienced drummer who is full of intensity. This genre generally involves slow tempos and harsh harmonies, and the lyrics usually sound angry, frustrated, saddened, scared, or depressed. Also, social issues such as poverty and social prejudice can influence the years in Grunge (Grunge Music).Grunge was known on the west coast in the late sass and early sass, but it only became commercially known between 1991 and 1994, Nirvana being the major popularity. Nirvana listeners everywhere began wearing trench coats,vintage band t- shirts, and practicing bad hygiene. Grunge became so popular that the new look hit the fashion runways, and even Vogue magazine issued grunge looks in one issue lcross 35). Grunge wasnt only a fashion, but also a fast moving sound that was capturing fans all across the nation. Nirvanas career album sales break down as follows: the roofs 1989 debut, Bleach, which has sold 1. 4 million copies to date, followed by 1991 s Nevermore, estimated to have sold about 10 million. Other albums such as Insecticide sold about 1. 13 million copies, and In Outer had approximately 3. 58 million copies sold. Nirvanas two most recent releases, sass MET Unplugged in New York and sasss From the Muddy Banks of the Hawkish have sold 4. 11 million and 1. 15 million copies, respectively. Consequently, Kurt was runner-up for the Best Songwriter of 1994 in Rolling Stone Magazines annual critics poll, being ranked between Freddy Johnson and SanPhillips (Biography Kurt Cabin). His latest award was given in 2003, when he was elected the 12th greatest guitarist of all-time by Rolling Stone Magazine once again. Ay changing the music industry, there can be little denying that Nirvana is one of the most popular and commercially viable rock groups of the last 20 years. From ages eight to twenty-seven, Curts behaviors could be classified into two different categories: personal and public problems, both of which led to negative influences. His personal problems began at age seven, the time of his parents divorce.Curts parents soon remarried, but since he was no longer receiving much attention, he started with small acts of retaliation: skipping school, disobeying, not doing his share of household chores, and by 8th grade, experimenting with marijuana, alcohol, and even LSI. Curts drug abuse carried on through his teenage and adult years when he met Courtney Love. Love influenced Curts drug habits, and by the end of their first year of marriage, they were spending up to $400 dollars per day on heroin (Gracie 33).
Saturday, November 30, 2019
John Conner free essay sample
John Conner, marketing manager from Lawn King, looked over the beautiful countryside as he drove to the corporate headquarters in Moline, Illinois. John had asked his boss, Kathy Wayne, the general manager of Lawn King, to call a meeting in order to review the latest forecast figures of fiscal year 2002. 1 When he arrived at the plant, the meeting was ready to begin. Others in attendance at the meeting were James Fairday, plant manager; Joan Peterson, controller; and Harold Pinter, personnel officer. John started the meeting by reviewing the latest situation: â€Å"I’ve just returned from our annual sales meeting and I think we lost more sales last year than we thought, due to back-order conditions at the factory. We have also reviewed the forecast for next year and feel that sales will be 110, 000 units in fiscal year 2002. The marketing department feels this forecast is realistic and could be exceeded if all goes well. We will write a custom essay sample on John Conner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †At his point, James Fairday interrupted by saying, â€Å"John, you’ve got to be kidding. Just three months ago we all sat in this same room and you predicted sales of 98,000 units for fiscal ’02. Now you’ve raised the forecast by 12 percent. How can we do a reasonable job of production planning when we have a moving target to shoot at? †Kathy interjected, â€Å"Jim, I appreciate your concern, but we have to be responsive to changing market conditions. Here we are in September and we still haven’t got a firm plan for fiscal ’02, which has just stated. I want to use the new forecast and develop an aggregate plan for next year as soon as possible. John added, â€Å"We’ve been talking to our best customers and they’re complaining about back orders during the peak selling season. A few have threatened to drop our product line if they don’t get better service next year. We have to produce not only enough product but also the right models to service the customer. †Guidelines: 1. Develop a forecast to use as a basis for aggregate production planning. 2. Develop an aggregate production plan by month for fiscal ’02. Consider the use of several different production strategies. Which strategy do you recommend? Use of Excel will greatly save time in making these plans.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Myths and Stereotypes About Hispanics and Immigration
Myths and Stereotypes About Hispanics and Immigration Latinos may be the largest ethnic minority group in the United States, but stereotypes and misconceptions about Hispanic Americans abound. A considerable number of Americans believe that Latinos are all recent immigrants to the U.S. and that unauthorized migrants to the country exclusively come from Mexico. Others believe that Hispanics all speak Spanish and have the same ethnic traits. In fact, Latinos are a more diverse group than the public generally recognizes. Some Hispanics are white. Others are black. Some speak English only. Others speak indigenous languages. This overview breaks down the following pervasive myths and stereotypes. All Undocumented Immigrants Come From Mexico While it’s true that the bulk of undocumented immigrants in the United States come from just south of the border, not all such immigrants are Mexican. The Pew Hispanic Research Center has found that illegal immigration from Mexico has actually declined. In 2007, an estimated 7 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the U.S. Three years later, that number dropped to 6.5 million. By 2010, Mexicans comprised 58 percent of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. Unauthorized migrants from elsewhere in Latin America made up 23 percent of the undocumented population followed by those from Asia (11 percent), Europe and Canada (4 percent) and Africa (3 percent). Given the eclectic mix of undocumented immigrants residing in the U.S., it’s unfair to paint them with a broad brush. Considering Mexico’s proximity to the U.S., it’s logical that most undocumented immigrants would hail from that country. However, not all undocumented immigrants are Mexican. All Latinos Are Immigrants The United States is known for being a nation of immigrants, but whites and blacks are largely not perceived as being newcomers to America. In contrast, Asians and Latinos routinely field questions about where theyre really from. The people who ask such questions overlook that Hispanics have lived in the U.S. for generations, even longer than many Anglo families. Take actress Eva Longoria. She identifies as a Texican, or Texan and Mexican. When the â€Å"Desperate Housewives†star appeared on the PBS program â€Å"Faces of America†she learned that her family settled in North America 17 years before the Pilgrims did. This challenges the perception that Hispanic Americans are all newcomers. All Latinos Speak Spanish It’s no secret that most Latinos trace their roots to countries that the Spanish once colonized. Because of Spanish imperialism, many Hispanic Americans speak Spanish, but not all do. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 75.1 percent of Latinos speak Spanish at home. That figure also indicates that a large number of Latinos, about a quarter, do not. Additionally, an increasing number of Hispanics identify as Indians, and a number of these individuals speak indigenous languages rather than Spanish. Between 2000 and 2010, Amerindians who identify themselves as Hispanic have tripled from 400,000 to 1.2 million, the New York Times reports. This spike has been attributed to increased immigration from regions in Mexico and Central America with large indigenous populations. In Mexico alone, approximately 364 indigenous dialects are spoken. According to Fox News Latino, Sixteen million Indians live in Mexico. Of those, half speak an indigenous language. All Latinos Look The Same In the United States, the general perception of Latinos is that they have dark brown hair and eyes and tan or olive skin. In reality, not all Hispanics look mestizo, a mix of Spanish and Indian. Some Latinos look entirely European. Others look black. Others look Indian or mestizo. U.S. Census Bureau statistics provide an interesting take on how Hispanics racially identify. As noted previously, an increasing amount of Latinos identify as indigenous. However, more Latinos are identifying as white also. The Great Falls Tribune reported that 53 percent of Latinos identified as white in 2010, an increase from the 49 percent of Latinos who identified as Caucasian in 2000. Roughly 2.5 percent of Latinos identified as black on the 2010 census form.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Free English Classes at USA Learns
Free English Classes at USA Learns USA Learns is an online program for Spanish-speaking adults interested in learning to read, speak, and write in English. It was created by the U.S. Department of Education in cooperation with the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) and the Project IDEAL Support Center at the University of Michigans Institute for Social Research. How Does USALearns Work? USAlearns uses many multimedia tools that allow learners to read, watch, listen, interact, and even practice conversation online. The program includes modules on each of the following topics: SpeakingVocabularyGrammarPronunciationListeningReadingWritingLife Skills in English In each module, you will watch videos, practice listening, and record your own voice speaking English. You will also be able to: Listen to the correct pronunciation of wordsListen to sentences and check your understandingRecord your voice to be sure you are speaking correctly Youll also be able to actually practice conversations with a video-based person in real-world situations. For example, youll be able to practice answering questions, asking for help, and making conversation. There is no limit to the number of times you can practice the same conversation. What You Need to Know About Using USALearns You must register to use USALearns. Once you register, the program will keep track of your work. When you log on, the program will know where you left off and where you should start. The program is free, but it does require access to a computer. If you want to use the talk-back and practice features of the program, you will also need a microphone and a quiet place in which to practice. When you complete a section of the program, you will have to take a test. The test will tell you how well you did. If you feel you could do better, you can go back, review the content, and take the test again. Pros and Cons of USALearns Why USALearns is worth trying: Its absolutely free!It uses well-regarded teaching tools that are used in school settingsIt allows you to learn in different ways by listening, reading, watching, and practicingThere is no one watching, so if you make a mistake you will not be embarrassedIf you need to repeat something, you can do so as often as you likeThe program allows you to practice real-world vocabulary and situations Drawbacks to USALearns: Like all web-based programs, it can only teach you what it is programmed to teach. If you want to learn skills or language not included in the program, you will have to go elsewhere.The program does not include new or unexpected situations.There are advantage to working with real people who can help you with particular challenges you may face Should You Try USALearns? Because it is free, there is no risk to trying the program. You will certainly learn something from it, even if you still need to take additional ESL classes from live teachers. Learn ESL Through MovementHow to Learn a New Language on the InternetLearning New Languages with Cartoons
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Soda Pop Board of America Advertisement Essay
The Soda Pop Board of America Advertisement - Essay Example This "The Soda Pop Board of America Advertisement" essay outlines the peculiarities of the food ad. This particular advertisement selected also understands that individuals who are attracted to notions of family experience a variety of sociological rituals inside the home. The rituals are â€Å"the cultural values of a community that offer predictability, and provide important avenues for expression of identity and culture†(Leeds-Hurwitz 2002:34). This advertisement depicts a mother that is abundantly satisfied with her child, who is pictured to her right with a glowing smile. By using the bottle of soda within the ad along with the notion that cola helps lead to a better life, the advertisers recognize the ritual of dining together with family-oriented buyers and play on these lifestyle elements. Serving food and family time together, as only two examples, are rituals that hailed from this particular time period, such as timing family dinner for service the moment the breadw inner father figure returns. By utilizing the mother in this advertisement, it clearly illustrates the role of the woman as caretaker and links baby health and well-being with cola consumption. Determining what type of beverage or foodstuff to serve the child is a ritualistic aspect of life and duty in this particular time period where the advertisement was launched. This advertisement also appeals to elements of this culture in which uncertainty is not tolerated when it relates to family roles and the familial structures that guide lifestyle principles.... ining what type of beverage or foodstuff to serve the child is a ritualistic aspect of life and duty in this particular time period where the advertisement was launched. Culturally, this advertisement also appeals to elements of this culture in which uncertainty is not tolerated when it relates to family roles, gender roles, and the familial structures that guide lifestyle principles. Uncertainty avoidance occurs when individuals will not accept high uncertainty, ambiguity or lack of structure at home or in the professional environment. People in â€Å"uncertainty accepting cultures†are more tolerant of conflicting opinion and have fewer rules†(Donnison 2008:17). During this period, the household roles were clearly identified and social backlash occurred when a mother stepped out of the caretaker role to explore personal desires or a career. The advertisers understand the cultural need for structure and use cola as a psychological motivator to ensure that the primary c oncern of a mother, her child’s needs and happiness, receive considerable attention and certainty. At this period, as already identified, there was much social inequality that still exists today. â€Å"Social inequality is a fundamental predictor of virtually all social processes and a person’s position in this system is the most consistent predictor of his or her behaviour, attitudes, and life choices†(sociologyindex.com 2011: 1). In this advertisement, the child is depicted as healthy and attractive in measurement to other children. By illustrating an individual that clearly hails from a very modest home environment and impressing the notion of a more affluent child, the cola manufacturer also maintains the ability to somewhat deceive the reader who is looking for someone to give her life
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
HR1003 People, Organizations and Management Assignment
HR1003 People, Organizations and Management - Assignment Example Working in call center can be monotonous and seem tedious at times. It can be stressful if a single worker attends high percentage of calls in a single day. Generally, workers have to do night shifts and with not enough information (Norman, 2005, p.7). 3. A person’s involvement towards his work can be assessed by his instrumental orientation to work. An employee will be maintained in an organisation depending on the economic returns from his work. His involvement in his work will be calculated. His job will not be part of his social life. (View From Below, n.d., p.40) 4. Task significance is the concept of determining the positive effect that a person’s job can have on other people. By cultivating this concept, an employee’s job efficiency can be increased as it will make him feel that his efforts are being valued. One example is working for social causes in NGOs (Grant, 2008, p.108). 5. When focusing on gender issues in a factory, Anna Pollert described how women workers feel doubly oppressed by the male workers and also by capitalists. The domestic pressures also remain in the consciousness of these women workers. Pollert said that although these women work in a man’s domain, but still they have managed to create their own existence (View From Below, n.d., pp.46-47). 6. William Thompson says that if a person earns more money in a job of low standard, then he has the tendency to spend more. A person identifies luxury cars and expensive vacations as compensation for hard work. Thompson has seen this similar psychology in workers at slaughterhouses. This attitude helps the workers to tolerate the drudgery of slaughterhouses (Barton, 2006, p.94). 7. Intrinsic rewards of work mean the rewards that a person receives from his own performance towards his job. For such rewards an individual does not have to rely on others. When a worker receives intrinsic rewards from his work, he will not think
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Organizational Change Plan Essay Example for Free
Organizational Change Plan Essay The proposal discussed is Electronic Health records. There are numerous advantages to using Electronic Medical health Records however, there are disadvantages as well. I believe that the Electronic Health Records process needs to be improved. Staff are having major difficulty using EHR‘s and this detrimental to the use because the staff feel uncomfortable therefore avoiding using EHRs. In order to change how the health care providers feel towards using EHRs, management must communicate adequately the need for the change and the great benefits of it. The next step would be for management to educate the staff by using evidence based processes. In this stage, management must make use of EHRs simple for staff to follow and provide enthusiasm in using EHRs correctly. An organizational boundary would be lack of deadlines, lack of funding, and lastly lack of participation from staff. Lack of deadlines leave staff to make their own deadline according to how necessary they feel the change is. Usually, new processes get put off because theyre used to the then existing habit and feel that the new process would require more time and energy. Despite the fact that actually using EHRs require a lot of training the primary benefit of EHRs is that it doesnt require an unnecessary amount of effort. One could save time and make other staffs tasks much easier resulting in faster outcomes and more time to focus on more issues. Another organizational boundary would be lack of funding. EHRs need computers, trainers/ End users, training manuals, subject matter experts, and time which could be rather costly. If an organization does not have the funds to provide training manuals, subject matter experts, or any of the other matters reported then the use of EHRs will not be possible. Lastly, lack of participation from staff is an enormous regulatory barrier. Without the use of EHRs by the staff the employees wont see the benefits of using EHRs and they will continue to use the old and less productive way. Individual barriers include problems comprehending the new information, fear of changing, and computer illiteracy. All the problem stated are rather large personal barriers and are interconnected. One may fear or feel that they dont want to change to EHRs because they are computer illiterate and cant comprehend how to use a computer. When using EHRs one must have basic computer knowledge and be proficient in using all the necessary tools and softwares on a computer and without this knowledge then a person would feel overwhelmed in trying to use EHRs. There are both good and bad factors that may influence my proposed change. An example of a negative factor would be poor performing computers. Positive factors include good communication. Negative factors such as poor performing computes could negatively impact the use of EHRs significantly. The purpose of using EHRs are to save on time resulting in an increase of productivity but if working on a poor performing computer one may be result in going back to writing out information on health records. The main decisive factor in using EHRs is the incr ease of communication. With the use of EHRs not only all the staff will be able to access a patients information but another organization like a hospital or insurance company will be able to see and use the record. Using EHRs inside an organization will allow for all the staff to view the same information and to be updated. Lewins model relates to the change proposed because the process needed to change the process of EHRs which require Lewins three steps unfreezing, changing and refreezing Spector (2010). Unfreezing would be getting the staff to realize that they need to make a change. It is said that communication is essential in this step because it is needed to convey the urgency and specific outcome wanted (Change Management In Ehr Implementation, 2013). However in this scenario the change wouldnt be to implement EHRs it would be to get the staff to use go from avoiding the use of EHRs to become the new norm. The second step of the Lewins model is change. Change is moving from old habits or behaviors to the new and efficient implementations. Learning new habits and processes are what happens during this changing phase. Also, resistance is often seen in this stage, usually employees are set in their ways and view the new change as difficult or more challenging therefore they will resist the change Spector (2010). This is where the main problem occurs in the use of EHRs especially at my place of employment. The staff was introduced to a new method in recording health records however the staff still had doubts and felt intimidated towards using EHRs. In order to change or prevent the negative attitude towards the change, managers should let the employees know that the new change is necessary and that it contains more benefits than the last process. This is a problem within our organization. Usually providers state to the workers that a change is going to be made then they train employees immediately and then they leave it up to the employees to continue to use the new process. In addition, managers and other employers sh ould make themselves available to the staff in assisting them with the new change. The last step discussed in Lewins model is freezing. The step freezing ensures that the new process is set in place and will continue to be the new norm. The employees at my workplace were not able to complete the final phase freezing because they resisted the change and reverted back to the old process. Internal resources available to support the change initiatives are using consultants or using expert help or allowing staff to take leadership roles in implementing the use of EHRs. Using expert help specialists allow the trainees to learn more about EHRs and how to prevent and correct problems with EHRs. Allowing staff to implement the use of EHRs through leadership is a very rewarding internal resource (Change Management In Ehr Implementation, 2013). The staff feels good about the change their making and the staff will use EHRs instead of writing this will provide them as well as the viewer with information about a patient and give them a better overview on what is happening with a patient. External resources available to support change initiatives are journals or using sites and articles. External resources would be journals, articles or websites on the subject matter of EHRs. These resources allow one to see anything from the purpose of EHRs, the history of EHRs, as well as how to resolve technical issues with EHRs. I believe that increased efficiency in EHRs will reduce the time it takes to access medical records. The pros outweigh the cons. Depending on whether or not staff has basic computer knowledge the education will be minimal as well as time. The advantages include better time management, more efficient communication, and less space taken up by papers and files. References Change Management in EHR Implementation. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/nlc_changemanagementprimer.pdf Spector, B. (2010). Implementing Organizational Change: Theory Into Practice (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix Ebook Collection database.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Effects of salt on freezing point of water :: Lab Report
                                                       Blank 1 Blankity Blank Blankity Blank Mr. Blank 4/9/02 Effects of Salts on the Freezing Point of Water      In this experiment, you will study the effect that several solutes have on the Freezing Point of water. When a solute is dissolved in a liquid, the temperature at which that liquid freezes decreases, because the molecules of the solute become attached to the water molecules, making it more difficult for the water to form its crystaline shape and form into ice. This process is called Freezing Point Depression. In this experiment, you will be determining which of five salts most affects the Freezing Point of water.      Each salt will have a concentration of one mole. A mole is the atomic weight of the compound multiplied by one gram, in 1000 ml of water. Since you will be using only 100 ml of water each time, then you must divide the atomic weight by 10 before multiplying it by one gram. You will be using a computer-interfaced Temperature Probe to monitor how much each salt decreases the freezing temperature of water, and a graph of your results will be plotted using the computer. *PURPOSE: To learn which type of salt lowers the Freezing Point of water the greatest amount. *PROBLEM: Which type of salt lowers the Freezing Point of water to the lowest point?                                                        Blank 2 *HYPOTHESIS: The KCl will lower the water’s Freezing Point the most, because Potassium has the lowest ionization energy out of the five metals that are bonded with Chlorine, and perhaps it will bond more easily with the water molecules, keeping it from freezing. *MATERIALS:           *Power Macintosh or Windows PC     *10-ml graduated cylinder           *Vernier computer interface          *ice           *LoggerPro                    *salt           *Vernier Temperature Probe          *stirring rod           *ring stand                    *100 ml of 1M calcium chloride           *utility clamp                    *100 ml of 1M magnesium chloride           *one test tube                    *100 ml of 1M sodium chloride           *600-ml beaker               *100 ml of 1M potassium chloride           *water                         *100 ml of 1M lithium chloride           *triple-beam balance               *weighing dish *PROCEDURES: 1. Put about 400 ml of water and only 5 to 6 ice cubes into a 600-ml beaker. 2. Obtain from your teacher 100 ml of 1M solution of each of the following solutions:           *CaCl               *KCl           *MgCl               *LiCl           *NaCl                                                        Blank 3 3. Using a graduated cylinder, measure and pour 5 ml of the CaCl solution into a test tube and use a utility clamp to fasten the test tube to a ring stand. The test tube should be clamped above the ice water bath. Place the Temperature Probe into the solution inside the test tube. 4. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening the Experiment 3 folder from Physical Science with Computers.
Monday, November 11, 2019
John Muir
John Muir, the founder of modern environmentalism, wrote many books on American environmentalism and was vocal in preserving America's natural landscape. He grew up studying the natural environment and fell in love with its beauty and interconnections. He devoted his life to protecting the landscape from industrialization and the â€Å"Manifest Destiny' mentality of the late 19th century and early 20th century.Railroads quickened the expansion westward, and desire for ultivating newly ready resources left the land scarred. Newly available land in the west was also a magnet for Americans eager to farm and tame the land. America was quickly expanding westward and the process was happening so fast that thoughts on the cost/benefits of this expansion hadn't surfaced. Muir befriended the likes of Teddy Roosevelt and the railroad executive E. H. Harriman to organize actions that benefitted all parties.Muir's efforts towards his vision were founding the environmental agency â€Å"The Sier ra Club†and writing articles for Century Magazine, hich prompted Congress to create Yosemite National Park. In the article Protecting Yosemite, Muir discusses the challenges and benefits involved in the process of creation and after effects of Yosemite Park. Certain groups strived to benefit economically from the resources of the park, while Muir and others persisted in protecting the parks best interest from the economically driven parties.There was also critiquing and revising the park system throughout the entire process. Muir kept focus on the beauty of the park throughout the article as a whole. As America was creating its new geographical and industrial image westward, most Americans focused on taming the landscape, while John Muir rebelled against this and fought to preserve the natural beauty of America. Protecting Yosemite was written in 1895 and published in The Sierra Club Bulletin in 1896. Muir wrote this to keep the members of the Sierra Club informed on the prog ress of the Yosemite National Park.The article starts with Muir recounting his previous visit to Yosemite as a disaster because the landscape was â€Å"broken and wasted. (Muir, America Firsthand, PG 97) He follows this observation with a Joyful proclamation that the park has been restored to its original luster, â€Å"Lilies now swing and ring their bells around the margins of the forest meadows. †(Muir, America Firsthand, PG 97) Muir celebrates the Job done by the soldiers who police the land and punish those who commit crimes upon the land.The main Job of the soldiers was to rid the park of Sheppards and their flocks of sheep that would leave the land mangled with hoof prints and erosion. Muir goes on to discuss the great efforts nvolved in getting Congress to pass the Yosemite Bill. Muir sparked the discussion of the bill with the publishing of Century Magazine articles. An unlikely adversary, Mr. Stow of the Southern Pacific R. R. Co. , helped lobby the bill through Co ngress in 1890.Soon after the creation, an offensive to cut the boundaries of the park in half was launched. The Sierra Club and other environmentally friendly groups halted this offensive. Muir discusses briefly his philosophy and drive for his environmental campaign, ††¦ (someone) should always be glad to find anything so surly good and he park; on one side he applauds the popularity of the park but is disappointed with the effects it has on the park, â€Å"destructive trampling and hacking becomes heavier from season to season. (Muir, America Firsthand, PG 99) Muir is also disappointed with the lack of security, with the exception of the soldiers, â€Å"The Guardian has no power to enforce the rules-has not a single policeman under his orders. †(Muir, America Firsthand, PG 99) Towards the end of the article, Muir believes the management of the park should be transferred to a government department that oesn't deal with drama related to changing political parti es. Finally, with the prevention of fires in the park, the landscape as a whole becomes more at risk for a devastating fire.Muir believes that forest management should implement a scientific basis to increase the health of Yosemite. America in the mid to late 19th century acted strongly upon the idea of â€Å"manifest destiny. †Two railroads met in Utah and connected the East and West coasts of America. The expanding America was now much easier to populate due to railroads, and land use exploded in the West. Americans started mining and exploiting these newly available resources like iron and timber. Land was taken from Native Americans and they were forced onto smaller and smaller reservations.America bought Alaska from Russia, and acquired The Caribbean and other islands in the Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War of 1898. America was very greedy for land at this time and there was the mindset that more is better. John Muir and others rebelled against this idea and raised t he argument that more is not better and we should preserve the beautiful landscape that we have. Muir worked very hard to ush this rebuttal onto people and in 1890 he won an environmental battle that created the Yosemite National Park.This set the foundation for modern day environmentalism and helped people come to the realization that we should enjoy nature, and not try to always conquer it. As America was creating its new geographical and industrial image westward, most Americans focused on taming the landscape, while John Muir rebelled against this and fought to preserve the natural beauty of America. The message of John Muir is very relevant in contemporary society because we are going through lots of nvironmental problems due to industrialization.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
More Than One Reality Essay
Reality is kind of like a memory. Everyone has their own di? erent ideas of what it should be but none are necessarily the truth. For example two people who were both in the great depression could have totally di? erent thoughts on the di$cult %mes. While one could have lived on the streets struggling every day to ‘nd food and water, the other could have been among the few rich people and lived in luxury. Both of them would have very di? erent memories about how %mes were back then. The same goes for reality. While we all might agree on what is real or not our thoughts on reality could be on di? erent sides of the spectrum. The de’ni%on of reality is â€Å"the state or quality of having existence or substance. †If something is real to me then that’s my reality and same goes for someone else, so who’s to say that there isn’t more than one reality and why is humanity so interested in reality? I believe that humanity is so interested in reality because we are naturally curious. They say curiosity killed the cat and I believe that saying is very true. We as humans always want our ques%ons answered be it a simple ques%on like two plus two or a complex ques%on like what is reality with no real answer yet. This curiosity is just part of our nature and it can lead to obsessions. Some people are so obsessed with ‘nding the answer to ques%ons that they devote their whole life to it and this obsession consumes them. Even if we found the answer to reality, how much would it change our everyday lives? The ques%on that we so longed for the answer to wouldn’t even make a mark on how we live our lives and the person who found this answer would have commi1ed his en%re life to ‘nd this now insigni’cant answer. I’m not saying that I’m not curious about the answer because. I am but I know that this curiosity is much more dangerous than the answer is worth. Let’s say that there is an answer to reality; it is so far away from our knowledge right now as humans. It would be like trying to explain consciousness to animals. We as humans know who we are and are aware about ourselves and others this is what separates us from animals. Even if we could somehow communicate with animals it would be nearly impossible to explain our feeling of consciousness to them. It would be like an alien who travelled to earth trying to explain faster than light speed travel to us. It would be too much for us to handle. Instead of trying to ‘nd the one true answer to reality everyone should have their own concept of reality and what they believe. We already have examples of this today. We have atheists, Chris%ans, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and more that all have their own concept of reality. But all of them try to force their concepts on others. None can just accept that some people have di? erent views. Personally I am a Chris%an mostly because I asked myself if I were to die right now I would like to believe in something that would help me in the a8erlife. If I died and God asked me why he should let me into heaven being an atheist wouldn’t help my case. With me being a Chris%an though I s%ll acknowledge that we try to put our views on other people too. Just because people a$liate with a di? erent group doesn’t mean they have the same concept of reality as them. Even though I associate myself as a Chris%an I wouldn’t consider my concept of reality the same as theirs, we just share common main ideas of reality. Just as Americans share things about reality that other people in di? erent countries don’t. For example we believe we landed on the moon while people in other countries might think it is a hoax for fame. The area we grow up in, our parents, and even things such as what we look like can a? ect our ideas of reality. What I know to be an illusion can be someone else’s en%re reality. The people in North Korea live in an illusion to us but to them it is their reality. They believe that Kim Jung Un is the best thing since sliced bread, while we believe he has brainwashed them into thinking that by censorship and other methods. It’s not right for us to tell them what to believe but this shows how reali%es can overlap from things such as where one lives. Another example that is now an illusion to us was magic back in medieval %mes. They believed people could control things that no one else could through magic, but we now know that these people we tricked through science. Some science is very hard to believe so the only logical thing to them was to label something that you don’t understand as magic, but we now know as science. Now even science is used to explain things we don’t understand. Every religion and science has their own ideas on how we came to be. Science has used the big bang theory and evolu%on to explain how humans came to be even though they don’t have signi’cant evidence to make this a fact. They cri%cize religion for not having proof when they don’t have much themselves. I’m not saying that idea is wrong I’m just saying that what we once used science for is gone. We used science to stop the idea of â€Å"magic†by making a system where you have to provide evidence, enough to make it a fact. Now we just make something we don’t understand into a scien%’c theory. Science has almost become a new religion. I have no problem with a new religion but I think that we should keep science separate from religion. Science is what we used to produce facts and religion is a serious of beliefs that act on faith and not evidence. I love science but I also believe in religion and by de’ni%on they are two di? erent things. Science could one day be used to ‘nd out the ques%on of what is reality but it can’t do that if it acts like a religion. Instead of answering the ques%on of what reality is I decided to show how there can be more than one reality because everyone has their own reality. Since everyone has their own reality I don’t believe there will ever be a %me where everyone agrees on one concept of reality, but if there comes that day science will be needed to explain the truth of reality and for that reason science needs to stay separate from religion. I believe that by having our own reali%es this helps separate us individuals and shows our unique power as humans. Just because your reality overlaps or disagrees with someone else’s doesn’t mean they need to change. This just shows that you are actually closer to their reality than someone whose reality doesn’t have anything to do with yours, and who knows they might be the only one with the real answer to the ques%on what is reality.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Martin Luther King1 essays
Martin Luther King1 essays The most important person to have made a significant change in the rights of Blacks was Martin Luther King. He had great courage and passion to defeat segregation and racism that existed in the United States, and it was his influence to all the Blacks to defy white supremacy and his belief in nonviolence that lead to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia where the city suffered most of the racial discrimination in the South, and, in addition, the Ku Klux Klan had one of it's headquarters there. But it was his father, Martin Luther King Sr. who played an important role in shaping the personality of his son. M.L. Sr. helped to advocate the idea that Blacks should vote. He was involved with the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, an important Civil Rights group. These efforts to improve the way of life for Blacks could be seen by his son. In December 5, 1955 King began to be significant in the changing of the Black man's way of life. The boycott of the Montgomery Bus was begun when Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat on a bus to a white man on December 1st. Two Patrolmen took her away to the police station where she was booked. He and 50 other ministered held a meeting and agreed to start a boycott on December 5th, the day of Rosa Parks's hearing. This boycott would probably be successful since 70% of the riders were black. The bus company did not take them seriously, because if there was bad weather, they would have to take the bus. The Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) was established to co-ordinate the boycott. They had a special agreement with black cab companies, in which they were allowed to get a ride for a ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Translate Modal Verbs into French
How to Translate Modal Verbs into French Modal verbs, also called modal auxiliaries or simply modals, are unconjugated English verbs which express the mood of a verb, such as ability, possibility, condition, and necessity. With the exception of ought, modals are followed directly by the verb they modify (without to in between). There are ten common English modal verbs: cancouldmaymightmustought toshallshouldwillwould French does not have modal verbs, which can make it difficult to translate them. The French equivalents of modal verbs may be a conjugable verb (e.g., pouvoir), a particular verb tense or mood, or even an adverb. Can   pouvoir, savoir (in the present tense)    I can help you.Je peux vous aider.We can see it.Nous pouvons le voir.Can you swim?Sais-tu nager ? Could (in the present)   pouvoir (in the conditional)    I could dance all night.Je pourrais danser pendant toute la nuit.Could you help me?Pourriez-vous maider ? Could (in the past)   pouvoir (in the imperfect)    He could eat a lot of candy when he was three.Il pouvait manger beaucoup de bonbons quand il avait trois ans.Last year, I could sleep until noon every day.Lannà ©e dernià ¨re, je pouvais dormir jusqu midi tous les jours. May/might  peut-à ªtre, pouvoir (in the conditional), se pouvoir (in the present)    She may/might arrive at noon.Elle arrivera peut-à ªtre midi, Elle pourrait arriver midi, Il se peut quelle arrive midi. Must  devoir (present tense)    I must leave.Je dois partir.You must help me.Vous devez maider. Shall/will   French future tense    I shall/will help you.Je vous aiderai.He will arrive at noon.Il arrivera midi. Should/ought to  devoir (in the conditional)    I should/ought to leave soon.Je devrais partir bientà ´t.You should/ought to help me.Vous devriez maider. would (in the present)   French conditional mood    We would like to leave.Nous voudrions partir.I would help you if I were ready.Je vous aiderais si jà ©tais prà ªt. would (in the past)   French imperfect tense    He would always read when he was alone.Il lisait toujours quand il à ©tait seul.Last year, I would sleep until noon every day.Lannà ©e dernià ¨re, je dormais jusqu midi tous les jours.English modals may be followed by have plus a past participle to express perfect (completed) actions. Translating this construction usually requires a French verb in a perfect tense/mood followed by an infinitive. could have   pouvoir (in the conditional perfect)    I could have helped you.Jaurais pu vous aider.We could have eaten.Nous aurions pu manger. may/might have   peut-à ªtre, se pouvoir (plus past subjunctive)    I may/might have done it.Je lai peut-à ªtre fait, Il se peut que je laie fait. must have   devoir (in the passà © composà ©)   You must have seen it.Vous avez dà » le voir.He must have eaten.Il a dà » manger. Shall/will have   French future perfect   I shall/will have eaten.Jaurai mangà ©.He will have arrived by noon.Il sera arrivà ©Ã‚ avant midi. Should have  devoir (in the conditional perfect)    You should have helped.Vous auriez dà » aider.We should have eaten.Nous aurions dà » manger. Would have   French conditional perfect    I would have helped you.Je vous aurais aidà ©.He would have eaten it.Il laurait mangà ©.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Masking Poor Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Masking Poor Communication - Essay Example Perhaps this is because we tend to take the allegiance of our family members for granted. Over time, we start navigating through our communication approaches, believing that those who are close to us will never leave us and our bond with them is too strong to withstand any misunderstanding or miscommunication. It is only when our kids turn rebellious and problematic, or our spouses file a divorce petition that we begin to realize that irrespective of strong family bonds, relationships need to be constantly worked on. I do remember one such instance in my life when I failed to communicate properly with a loved one. My 14 year old sister Victoria was chronically obese. The doctors had diagnosed that unless she engages in some fitness activity, she could develop serious health problems. Being a fitness conscious person, I decided to help Victoria. I woke up Victoria at 5 in the morning and she gladly changed into her track suit and sport shoes to go for a walk with me. I told Victoria that we will have a half an hour brisk walk followed by some exercises. However, after a couple of minutes I notice that Victoria was lagging behind me by at least 300 meters. Moved by my concern for her, I simply yelled at her, believing that this will encourage her. However, to my dismay, Victoria broke into tears and ran back home, leaving me alone. Standing there I mulled over this problem. It was then that I realized that I simply failed to understand the fact that being an overweight and sedentary person, engaging in brisk fitness activities on the very first day must have been too much for Victoria. I was assessing Victoria by my standards. Just because she was my sister, I had turned blind to her problems and had not even tried to talk about them with Victoria. So, on returning home I apologized to Victoria for my aggressiveness. The next day onwards, I redesigned a fitness regimen after taking Victoria into
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